4613 Forest Spirit #4613

Forest Spirit #4613


Forest Spirits by ZENFT ( ethereum )

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We are pleased to include the following files with this Forest Spirit: 📷 [Profile Picture - PNG](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmePtCoqN38cciUqui9MnELkAziyfvqFqTwAU5wNxZrfsw/4613.png) 🖼 [Hero Art - PNG](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmR43AkgZRSCGHgiiBibo6v5JyC31ArgqgC1z1kCvzanWS/4613.png) 🎬 [Hero Animation - MP4](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSXh1yob3e9a8xuZ7ejiGarSWSp4Wk3P3j43dRyMXo4hp/4613.mp4) ☀️ [Bonsai Studio Day - PNG](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qme5qA9a4vD5wvsHksB9HVud3LaZaPS7UkHhZDmTQzpg8q/4613.png) 🌙 [Bonsai Studio Night - PNG](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUwxSuUb3A8taAhK5haYraiScMAqtMbLmNEzV8VRSpRkS/4613.png) 🌐 [Idle Animation - GLB](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmeUViAjVQ8YWJ852aprhD9273McRM42oyWm2LRdRSRUCD/4613.glb) 🌐 [Idle Animation - USDZ](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmV8h61mkYThHWo8Uiy86cuFyvZZzrprg3Aygx6YN2Fmfq/4613.usdz) 🌐 [T-Pose - FBX](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSWFu6eNbqmsQSSefb6XxcoY7m1rMHGQm3mCf8G4wfguc/4613.fbx)


order listing
start: 12/22/2024 exp: 03/22/2025

order listing
start: 11/26/2024 exp: 05/26/2025

order listing
start: 09/09/2024 exp: 11/26/2024

order listing
start: 05/26/2024 exp: 11/26/2024

order listing
start: 12/25/2023 exp: 05/21/2024

order listing
start: 11/21/2023 exp: 05/21/2024

transfer listing
start: 11/21/2023 exp: 05/21/2024

sale listing
start: 11/21/2023 exp: 05/21/2024

order listing
start: 05/13/2022 exp: 05/13/2022

transfer listing
start: 05/13/2022 exp: 05/13/2022

sale listing
start: 05/13/2022 exp: 05/13/2022

order listing
start: 04/18/2022 exp: 05/18/2022

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